falling stone中文什么意思

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  1. Thus , the local people call the hole fallen stone hole
    当地人又俗称此洞为“落石洞” 。
  2. Dismantling the seedling curtain at first , cut the whole seedling curtain into two ( length of 50cm ) , each half of seedling curtain is weave by 50 seedling ropes , open seedling curtain slowly , in order to stabilize the seedling curtain in certain layer of water , the top of seedling rope tie up the suspend rope and the underpart of seedling rope falls stones , the interval of each seedling rope is 20cm , confirm the seedling rope does not collide each other in the stormy waves
    首先拆帘,将整个苗帘截成两半(长50cm ) ,每半片苗帘由50根苗绳织成,将其慢慢拆开,苗绳上端栓在吊绳上,下端系坠石,使其稳定在一定水层,每根小苗绳间隔20cm ,保证苗绳在风浪中不互相碰撞。


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